Who are you calling a caregiver?

The first thing you should know is how we use the word caregiver

Do you have employees who...

  • are worried about an aging adult's medical, financial, or social health or wellbeing? 
  • see a decline in their loved one's independence or cognitive capacity? 
  • are wondering how they will take care of a loved one now or down the line? 
  • are on average 40-50 years old?

If your answer to any of those questions is yes then you have caregiving employees. Some caregivers may be providing hands-on physical care in the traditional way that most people think about caregiving. But others may only be checking in by phone, managing finances, or doing research on behalf of someone. Whatever their circumstances, if they are concerned about an aging loved one, then they experience stress, absenteeism, and presenteeism related to that concern. It's that stress, absenteeism, and presenteeism that our Beach Glass Employer Solutions program addresses.